Part 3: FACE + BODY - Self-Love and Mindset for Healthy Happy Skin Series πŸ–€



I do hope you have been enjoying this series so far and that some of this is resonating with you.

I hope you have been able to implement some self-love πŸ’™

What has been your favorite so far? Has anything stuck for you?

For week 3, I’m gonna make it short and sweet ❣

Today I have two tips for you, one for the face and one for the body.

But … before you begin with the following two self-love tips, why not do the BEAUTY. SELF. LOVE. MEDITATION 
I recorded from week 1.  Click the link to listen;)


πŸ–€  SELF L O V E TIP πŸ–€

Let’s give our beautiful faces some love. 


I recorded a quick 5 (ish) minute face rejuvenation massage for you.  It's a tad longer just so I can explain a few things.  You can make it short and sweet or expand to do each movement for a longer time.

5 min Facial Rejuvenation

I would love for you to comment below and tell me what you felt during
or noticed after the facial rejuvenation!

πŸ–€  SELF L O V E TIP πŸ–€  

Now for the whole body.

I decided to create a beautiful DIY Body Scrub Ideas PDF for you for this self-love series.

What's cool is it gives you the base ideas and measurements, and then you take it from there with multiple options to choose from and get creative with!  Have, and enjoy how smooth and silky your skin feels after!

I decided to create a beautiful DIY Body Scrub Ideas PDF for you for this self-love series.

What's cool is it gives you the base ideas and measurements, and then you take it from there with multiple options to choose from and get creative with!  Have, and enjoy how smooth and silky your skin feels after!

Grab the DIY Body Scrub Ideas HERE!

What combination will you try? Comment below!

Well there it is... I told you I would keep it short and sweet today;)

Be happy + healthy,
