Ultimate DIY Body Scrub Combinations for Glowing Summer Skin 🌞


Ultimate DIY Body Scrub Combinations

for Glowing Summer Skin.

In the summer months, people typically show more skin, they wear bathing suits, sundresses, tanks, shorts.... and with all this extra skin showing, you definitely don't want  to have your skin look dry and dull!!!

One of my personal favorite feelings is the feel of my skin after a beach day, after I have been lying on the sand and swimming in salt water.  My body feels thoroughly exfoliated - that baby's bottom's soft, smooth texture. 

And unless you are able to do this a few times a week, well... Mother Nature's beautiful exfoliation will need to be replaced by taking matters into your own hands.

Though I talk a lot about facial skin and exfoliation, or, over-exfoliating for that matter, and how I actually believe a healthy skin will shed beautifully on its own.  You can read more about that here, in my BLOG post - All About Exfoliants!

The skin on our body is a bit tougher and can withstand a little extra love sometimes🤍

Body scrubs are a good way to get rid of dead skin and clogged pores.  

It’s so difficult to find the perfect body scrub. And to be honest they are SO easy to make! I created this Guide for you, so that you can have, almost, endless combinations for your perfect body scrub.

No sense in wasting a ton of money on them. Most of these ingredients you already have in your kitchen!!!

Try these homemade body scrubs to get that wonderful summer glow.

Opt-In for the download here or
click on the picture:)


Find a beautiful glass jar you love to store it in!

For Jars and Bulk spices and other ingredients, check out Mountain Rose Herbs!  Careful, it's addicting.  I buy most of my cooking spices here;)


  • Wait about five minutes after you get in the shower or bath to apply your body scrub. That gives your pores plenty of time to open up, so your exfoliation is more effective, warm water is better than hot, so as to NOT dehydrate your skin.

  • In the shower, turn off the water, apply your scrub, exfoliate for one to two minutes, and then turn on the water again to rinse.

  • After you get out of the shower or bath, pat with your towel to dry off your skin. Rubbing your skin after using a body scrub can cause irritation.

  • If you want the softest, smoothest skin possible, always apply body butter, oil or other moisturizer when you get out of the shower after using a body scrub. That will lock in essential moisture.

  • Exfoliating with a body scrub before applying a self-tanner can help you achieve a more even, natural-looking tan by eliminating the dry, rough patches that the tanner can cling to.


Q. How often can I use a body scrub?
A. You don’t want to irritate your skin by over-exfoliating, so the general recommendation is one to two times per week. If you’re using a gentler scrub, two to three times a week to maintain smooth, soft skin. If you’re using a harsher salt-based scrub, then once a week is sufficient.

Q. Should I use a body scrub before or after I shave my legs?
A. It’s best to scrub first. It may help you avoid ingrown hairs. Exfoliating before you shave ensures that you won’t irritate your legs by scrubbing freshly shaved skin, which is more susceptible to irritation.

Q. Can I use the same scrub on the face and body?
A. NO. Body scrubs are way too harsh for the delicate facial skin.  If you want to use a scrub on your face, make sure it is specifically designed for the face.  For more information on exfoliation, (how, why and other), click here.

My personal fave is a combination of sea salt, brown sugar and coffee grounds, add some honey and sweet almond oil!

Which combination will you try? 

Which is your favorite so far???

Comment below and let me know!


XOXO Angie