How I Stopped Listening to the Beauty Industry ❣

How I Stopped Listening to the Beauty Industry ❣

For 14+ Years I practiced esthetics the traditional way, with little results for long-term changes to my skin as well as for my clients' skin.

Now I practice a more holistic way of treating the skin.


I went from being frustrated with the minimal results I was getting to being floored by the results… especially the cumulative results I now have made to my own skin.


Plus... my clients are getting phenomenal results 🎉


It’s incredible to see the transformations that happen when a client is willing to do their part in addition to what I offer. 


Results are cumulative and consistency is where the magic happens.


So what changed?


👉I used to focus on products and treatments in the room

👉I had no idea about the lymphatic system, a healthy nervous system, gut health, etc.

👉I was barely making progress with my skin as well as my clients' skin




👉I not only perform, but I TEACH women how they can take matters into their own hands for sustainability… ya know… since results are cumulative;)

👉I focus on stimulating the lymphatic system, and calming the nervous system.

👉I am an ingredient snob for quality and non-toxic ingredients, while I dialed it back to the basics.


Here’s the 4 Pillar Approach that got me here. I hope this inspires and helps to create change 🖤



Think that products are going to change your skin???




Things like face and neck massage, Facial Gua Sha, Facial Reflexology, lymphatic drainage.... these modalities are really where we can make a big impact on the appearance of our skin. THIS is where you will see noticeable CHANGES. Just like working out, the changes are cumulative and sustainable, if you're consistent with them.



Stop listening to the beauty industry. PERIOD

They make us feel bad about the way our skin looks. It is toxic.

Find a trusted holistic professional like myself that will help you dig deep to find root causes AND will educate you on what you can do at home to keep the results flowing in! This IS my passion and I am happy to work with you.

Love yourself, love the skin you’re in, and be very intentional with what you say to yourself.

Be intentional with what products you are putting on your skin, and intentional with what you put into your body as well.



Not learning how to read labels OR learning what is best for YOUR skin needs can be detrimental.


Learn for yourself how to decipher what IS good and what IS bad. So that you can learn to make better choices and use more effective products that will help you to get a healthier glow.



We need to make sure that we are feeding our body with the foods that nourish the body and prevent internal inflammation that will show up externally on your skin.


“If the diet is right, but the topical skincare is wrong, results will be compromised. If the topical skincare is right, but the diet and health is wrong, results will be compromised.” - Rachael Pontillo


To learn more about this and SO MUCH MORE click the button below and head to the FREE Holistic Skin Wellness Course 👇

Angie UhleSkin Wellness