How to Get Rid of Overwhelm + the Vicious Buying Cycle - Part 2 - Skin Wellness Product Series


I hope the information on products is resonating with many of you from Part 1 of this Series. 

For this installment of the series, let’s bein by answering the question,

“How do I know what to choose when there are so many options?”  And might I add, “how to end the vicious buying cycle”.

The answer???



Less ingredients, less products.  If you are using high-quality ingredients, you only need a few for them to be extremely effective!!! 

Let me show you how quick and easy it is to get in a full routine! Less than 5 minutes is all that is needed!  In this video, I am talking, so take that into consideration;)


OK, now that you have seen how easy it is to have a beautiful product routine, let’s get into the ingredients a bit and why getting to know them is SUPER important.

You see the first 5 ingredients are 75-85% of the product.  Which means that if there are more than 8 or 10 ingredients, you are not getting much benefit from those ingredients.

And to top that off… most topical skincare regimens consist primarily of water, nutrient-lacking synthetic ingredients, and functional ingredients with no therapeutic value (such as fillers, preservatives, penetration enhancers, etc.) … the microbiome nor the upper layers of the skin receive useable nutrients.  Further, many of those said ingredients have been linked to inflammation and numerous negative health outcomes for the skin and the body.

SOOO... when a product has a minimal amount of ingredients (high-quality ingredients that is)  you are definitely getting the best bang for your buck. 

So, I have an assignment for you! 

Say what!?! 

I know, I know, BUT it really is something that will benefit your ability to choose the right products for your skin and for the health of your skin. 

Want to dive deeper and find out how those ingredients affect you and your skin???  Check out these databases. 

The top two are by far the most current and well researched; the third has been around the longest but is not as updated and may occasionally be funded.  All great tools to help you decipher those ingredients.

Made Safe
Safe Cosmetics
EWG Skin Deep

I think the cultural conditioning, the greenwashing, the hypnotizing to the fact that you need to look younger than you are, or that your skin is somehow not ideal and needs their product to remedy said issue…. is not only greedy of these companies but incredibly sad that they make money off you because of it - and make women feel such a way about themselves. If you feel you are victim to this check out the 4 Part Self-Love for Healthy Skin Series in this blog.

Most of the ingredients in the general beauty industry are toxic, and so is the way the industry makes you feel about how you look. And while most topically applied nutrients cannot often penetrate into the layers where many of the key cell forming functions occur (despite what manufacturers market to you), they do play a necessary role on the surface.

Because I am a Certified Boutique Skincare Designer AND look at the skin in a very holistic way, not only did I formulate a Minimalist Skin Wellness Line, but I also formulated my 4 Pillar approach to holistic skin wellness.

Minimalistic - Non-Toxic - Skin Supporting/Healing (not abuse) approach.

My approach honors the belief that no “result” is worth causing additional harm to the person’s mind, body, or spirit (this includes skin). I believe in the body’s innate intelligence, and the ability to self-regulate and heal when it is given what it needs.

By using this 4 Pillar approach, the need for products become the support, not the forefront of your skincare regimen.  This approach leads to healthy, vibrant, youthful skin.

  1. Movement is Key

  2. Intention and Mindset

  3. Product Knowledge

  4. Feed your Body, Feed your Skin

To read into these pillars in depth…

CLICK HERE to download the
4 Pillars of NH’s Holistic Skincare for Clear Youthful Skin.

Switching gears now!

LET’S TALK OILS! (this includes butters & waxes too)

Oils, butters, and waxes are so incredibly important to help protect, lubricate, soften, nourish the outermost layer of the skin (the stratum corneum).

…A little note on oils… plant-based oils can be absorbed via the sebaceous (oil) glands, and still allow the skin to breath and one excellent bonus to using oils, waxes, and butters is that there is no need for a preservative.

Others, however, like mineral oil, petroleum jelly, paraffin waxes, and substances like silicones (in SO MANY products these days!!!) actually suffocate the skin, which is called an occlusive.

Facial oils make a lot of sense for a lot of reasons. 

For this reason, I chose to create my line based on them;)

First, they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids–all nutrients the skin needs for a healthy barrier function and a happy microbiome.

Second, the nutrients in facial oils are more bioavailable than in creams and lotions, or water-based serums. The skin is a semi-permeable barrier. It’s meant to keep certain things out and allow certain things in. The dead cells act like bricks and the lipids are the mortar.

This barrier is hydrophobic–which means it repels water, but lipophilic (oil-loving), which means it will attract other lipids. Therefore, lipids and oil-soluble nutrients are more likely to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin, where they can nourish and protect the delicate cells below the surface. And it does this so easily, in a super-concentrated dose!

If you really want to dig a bit deeper into the ingredients  you ar using (or should be using) and what they do for your skin, but prefer someone else to do the work, I’m your girl. 



 Time to clean out the cabinet of products that don’t serve you. I can help you determine what a" keeper is,” or a “no, it's gotta to go.” 

Let’s dive deeper into what products WILL be effective for your needs and give you actual results. 

Don't you want to figure out what could be more beneficial for your needs?  I can provide you with a list of ingredients or products to use instead or to replace when you are finished with what you are using. 

Curious about what ingredients are toxic? Let me help you learn how to decipher ingredient labels (even further) and make sense of harmful ingredients!

When you honor the skin-health link and treat your skin both from the inside out and the outside in, you WILL notice a huge difference in not only your skin but your body as a whole. You will have more energy, be happier, possibly lose weight, and be less likely to get sick.  Not to mention the beautiful bonus of glowing skin😉

If you have any questions about ANYTHING, I’ve got you covered.

Add your question to the comments below.  I’m a real live person and I will respond to you💙 Promise.

Can’t wait to connect again soon!

Warmest Wishes.

Be Happy and Healthy,

Angie Uhle